Boat Insurance Quotes – Marine Insurance Quotes

 When you’re looking into boat insurance more often than not you will be offered free boat insurance quotes.  This is especially true online; most websites will offer a link immediately.  Now that you have the information you need to make the best possible decision, it’s time to start looking.

 It’s helpful to have your ownership information close.  This is by and large the first set of questions for boat insurance quotes.  You’ll be asked the primary owner’s name, date of birth and whether they’re the boat’s operator.  Also you should know what type of ownership you have, is it single ownership, dual ownership, leased through a financial institution?  You’ll also be asked in this first section what the boat is for.  The options are usually individual, corporate, partnership, family or club.

Next, you’ll need to know your craft’s information.  The model year and manufacturer are usually asked for first.  Keep in mind the average boat insurance company won’t insure a boat that is over 30 years old.  You’ll also need to know the number of engines and horsepower your boat has.  At some point you’ll be asked about any other boat you own, although you normally will not need to know all the particulars about it.  Other things such as whether you live on the boat and the boat’s length can also be expected.

Expect questions on the kind of coverage you are looking for.  But keep in mind; you’re merely investigating boat insurance quotes not locking yourself into something permanent and binding.  The next set of questions will cover where you store your boat.  The boat insurance company wants to know if the boat is being used and when so that they can accurately judge the risk for them to insure it.  You’ll be asked if the boat is used year round, and what kind of waters you navigate (fresh, salt, or both).  As saltwater can be corrosive and damaging to a boat hull if not properly cared for the boat insurance company may consider this more of a risk.
Finally you’ll be asked a little but about the operator’s history.  It’s not unusual to find questions like how many tickets and accidents the operator has had in the last five years, if the operator has ever had a DUI or reckless driving charge, and if they’ve had a previous watercraft loss.  This is for the boat insurance company to determine their risk.

After all the required information has been filled out, or given to the agent.  All you have to do is waiting, or in the case of the Internet hit enter.  You’ll then have your boat insurance quotes.  Shop around a little and find one that will work the best in your situation and give them a call.  Getting a multitude of boat insurance quotes at once is easier now than it has ever been which great news is for you.

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